There are two major reasons besides the cost factor Linux offers greater customization and Linux uses less system resources. You may be wondering why chose Linux over the more easier OS like Windows XP Pro. My distro of choice is Linux Ubuntu Server 10.10 but any server distro will work. The first part of this tutorial will focus on properly installing and setting up a Linux server. nothing, I see I can't scare you off so easily, guess you are here for the long haul. Still here I see, guess command lines are not that scary after all. So if you are afraid of command lines now is a good time to head on over to my first HLDS tutorial that uses everyone's favorite OS, Windows XP Pro. That's right, in case you didn't read the title closely this tutorial will be using Linux to run the server. There is a lot of setup that goes into a HLDS and then you have to add that to setting up a Linux server. This is going to be a long and tedious tutorial. This tutorial will focus specifically on setting up a Counter Strike 1.6 server using Linux OS. Welcome to my second tutorial about setting up a Half Life Dedicated Server, HLDS for gaming. With 12 players on the server the CPU usage is about 65.Default: 1 mp cvars mpallowspectators 1 Toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not.To install Steam click the link below: A Steam Source Dedicated Server requires Steam.So you have been playing Counter Strike for a while and are thinking about setting up your own server. It has 76 Mb ram and Pentium M 1.5 GHz CPU. I know Mani Mod has these features but ive tried to configure the maniserver.cfg to my liking but it seems to not work still.Client side number of seconds the corpse will stay before itll vanish sinking into the ground. If you want to install steam click on the link below: A steam source Dedicated Server requires steam. Default: 1 MP cvars Mpallowspect1 Changer whether the server allows spectator mode or not. With 12 players on the server the CPU usage is about 65. It has 76 MB of RAM and Pentium M 1.5 GHz CPU. The customer side of the other remains before it disappears sinks into the ground. cfg to my liking but it doesnt seem to work silently.

I know Mani MoD has these features but Ive tried to configure the Maniserver.