The new layers and painting system in FGU was designed to be the interface for placing free-form graphics.And it's a great tool, for when you have to prepare your session. Is there any way to freely rotate tokens? It would be nice if we could have something like ctrl+shift+mouse wheel to rotate "freely" so that we could adjust the position of these tokens to match what we want on the map, while the "normal" rotation with shift+mouse wheel would keep the 45 degrees rotation (which is useful for "facing" rules in melee combat) If we use a hex grid we have a bit more freedom, but we still can't really rotate the token as we like, and it's especially annoying with effects in a line like wall of fire, where a player might want to block an area with it that's at 30 degrees angle, for example. My players and I use spell tokens (from a module I got from DMsGuild) in our D&D 5e games to show the effects of spells on the map they do their job great when the spell is something with a circular area of effect (say, Fireball or Arms of Hadar) but whenever one of my players uses something with an area of effect that is a line (wall of fire) or a cone (cone of cold), things get hard because we can only rotate those tokens by 45 degrees on a square grid.